Sunday, May 31, 2009


Dulu aku x nk bljr mak aku srh jgk so aku ikt je la...yang bestnye bila aku stdy kat kolej ni aku dpt gak rasa kasih syg seorg abg dari big brother aku...iaitu abg wan....thanks abg wan coz syg kami cam adik abg wan sndiri wlupun abg wan dh da adik sndiri....big brother ni cam tau2 je kami x pnh rasa semua 2(ksh syg abg)wlupun kami jg da dua org kami x pnh dpt...da abg cam x dak je...lbh baik x yah ada...emmmm....lumrah hdp msti da yg syg and bnci.....btl x????

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HApPy BiRtHdAy To My FrIeNd NuR'AiN...........i hope you happy always and be the best in your life k........

Friday, March 27, 2009


The best birthday??? I don't mind to get are present just i want friends and my family like and love me forever. Last year i'm so happy because my friends remember my birthday and give me are present. I thinks thats are best gift for my life is are friends....honest, kind, smart and sweet. Thanks guys for understanding me and remember my birthday.....and my big gangster brother(hehehehe) give me are some present...i love them so much..........that all about my birthday gift...

mY cLaSsMAteS

My classmates have are 13 students and we are Siti Rohani,Siti Rohana,Siti Rohimah.Nur'Ain,Nurul Hidayah,Noor Farhana,Nur Munirah,Nur Hafizah,Norshima,Zaliana,Asyikin,Hasnul and Wafiy. My class so funcky, sporting, like to do joke, friendly, kind, sweet, beautiful and understanding but some my friend have are sensitif and hot temper. Sometime we stdy group together, when lecturer not in class we all must be are noisy but we all kind hehehe.....i like to friends with my classmate, I'm so happy with them. My classmates like to help another people when have a problem or anathing else, i love them so much. Okay thats all about my classmates....see you..daa....

HoW To mAKe oUr EnGlIsH cLaSS iNtEReSTiNg

How to make our English class interesting. well we can cooperate with our teacher about singing English song together beside that's we can improve the words and grammar and self confident. we can play games, up to you to make your own games. this way it can be fun to learn any subject but make sure u do it in English. In this way we can easily remember thinks that we learn in the class. put up some jokes and act in the class too can make more funnier and more enjoyable. from that we were learning we can improve our word and maybe we will know more new words

The road accident i've seen

this accident it was happened 10 years ago. that time i m only 11 years old. this accident that i've seen will never i forget because it was horrible and the scariest of my life. i wish it will never happend to me... to bad for the family who lost in the accident. it happened on the pulau pinang bridge. it was involved 2 cars, 1 motorcycle and 1 big truck. me and my family was on the to penang. we were past the accident and i saw the bloods everywhere... in some house i can saw there's a mans head under the truck. the car so crash and the body is inside the car... but i don't think so they were survive. i m so scared to see the accident some of their family was there and crying loud.. the police is control the roads, but still we stuck on the road. to all my friends be ware on the roads because accident could happens to anyone. God bless them.

6 thing i treasure most in my life

There are 6 thing the most impotent in my life... this thing i will keep to my self all the time.. not anyone can take it from me even borrow it from me. the 1st is my gold with pink diamonds bracelet... it was give by mom when i was 10 years old. she buy for my birthday. 2Nd is my gold ring. this ring is impotent to me because i buy it for my self. the ring is the first item that i buy from my 1st salary last year, it cost me rm600. 3rd my phone, my phone is my life, with out it i will feel miserable. 4rd my ipod mp3, where ever i go i will take with my self because i love listen to music all the time, and beside my ipod can save a lot of data from my assignments because i always go to Internets cafe. and the my Guess ray band, it was from my uncle. he brought it from Paris, and cost him 2000USD. and the last thing i treasure most in my life is my lovely family, with out them i m nothing to this world...and i m sure u guys too. love your family.